2023-2024 Seminar Series

Learn from the Experts

The Neuro Next Seminar Series is a public event that showcases local and invited experts in the fields of neuroscience, neurotechnology, and related areas of societal and human impact. It is open to Georgia Tech faculty, students, and staff, as well as government, academic, and industry representatives.

Building (on) a Null Model for Big-data Neuroscience

Audrey Sederberg, Georgia Tech

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Synapses Lost and Found: Developmental Critical Periods and Alzheimer’s Disease

Carla Shatz, Stanford University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Functionally Stratified Encoding in a Biological Gyroscope

Bradley Dickerson, Princeton University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Mechanoreceptor Contributions to Cortical Tactile Feature Representations During Locomotion

Alan Emanuel, Emory University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
The Nonlinear Population Dynamics Underlying Taste Perception and Action

Donald Katz, Brandeis University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Large-scale Network Organization in the Human Brain

Randy Buckner, Harvard University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Illuminating Brain Immune Signaling in Alzheimer’s Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury

Levi Wood, Georgia Tech

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Living Electrodes: Developing Optogenetic Neuronal Networks for Circuit Modeling & Biological Neural Interfaces

Dayo Adewole, University of Pennsylvania

In Person: CHOA Seminar Room (EBB 1005)
Metaplasticity and Meta-Learning in the Cerebellum

Jennifer Raymond, Stanford University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Themes and Variations in Animal Behavior

Gordon Berman, Emory University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
P2RY12 Roles in Microglial Functions, Identity Ad Communication with Brain Cells

Ukpong Eyo, University of Virginia

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Cortico-Motor Assembloids: A Human 3D Multi-Cellular Platform to Study Spinal Cord Development and Disease

Jimena Anderson, Emory University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Choose Your Tokens Wisely: How to Achieve Good Transfer Learning with Transformers on Neural Datasets

Blake Richards, McGill University and Mila-Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Living Electrodes: Developing Optogenetic Neuronal Networks for Circuit Modeling & Biological Neural Interfaces

Dayo Adewole, University of Pennsylvania

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Engaging the Experts: A Conversation on Lived Experience

Panel Discussion

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Computing with a Mess: How Complex, Heterogeneous and Noisy Components Contribute to the Brain’s Computational Power

Stefan Mihalas, Allen Institute

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Identifying Individual-Specific Neural Biomarkers of Sensorimotor Control and Learning in Aging and Post-Stroke

Michael Borich, Emory University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Mechanisms of Cross-Modal Plasticity in the Adult Brain

Hey-Kyoung Lee, Johns Hopkins University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Co-Imagining Neuroethics: Engaging Neuroscientists and Neurotech Developers in the Discussion

Eric Racine, Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM)

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)
Neural Circuits Underlying Learned Motor Sequence Execution

Bence Ölveczky, Harvard University

In Person: Suddath Seminar Room (IBB 1128)